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Guild provides suicide prevention education and training to regional pharmacies and communities

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia, Queensland Branch has received funding from the Central Queensland, Wide Bay, Sunshine Coast Primary Health Network (PHN) to conduct early suicide prevention training to both community pharmacy staff and members of the public.

The Queensland Branch has partnered with ConNetica to deliver free, early suicide prevention training programs Conversations for life and Stronger Smarter Yarns for life in early 2020.

Queensland Branch President Trent Twomey said this initiative provides an integrated training approach that connects both pharmacy staff and members of the public.

“By integrating both community pharmacy staff as well as members of the public, this training promotes community connections and social inclusion whilst reducing stigma related to mental illness,” Mr Twomey said.

“With more than 3,000 people in Australia dying each year due to suicide and 80,000–90,000 people attempting suicide in Australia each year, it is critical that pharmacy staff and the community are confident in engaging in conversations with people at risk for early intervention.

“Community pharmacies are highly accessible and frequently visited health destinations and staff are well placed for significant interactions with members of the public who may be at risk.

“Importantly, the program will also highlight referral pathways to locally-led suicide prevention services to support practical and ongoing community collaboration.”

Conversations for life is a half-day evening workshop that provides participants with the knowledge, skills and confidence to have conversations with those who are starting to show signs of distress. It will be delivered in Gympie, Cooroy, Maryborough, Bundaberg, Eidsvold and Biggenden.

Stronger Smarter Yarns for life is a full-day workshop developed with 2016 NAIDOC Person of the Year, Professor Chris Sarra for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and non-Indigenous people. It will be delivered in Eidsvold and Biggenden only.

Pharmacy staff and members of the public can register for this training at

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