Are you compliant with the new compounding guidelines?

On Thursday 26th September, The Pharmacy Council of NSW released its Premises and Equipment Guidance for Non-Sterile Complex Compounding and Compounding Checklist.
This affects all compounding pharmacies in NSW, whether you only do one or two prescriptions a day or you have a compounding-only facility. It affects all non-practising proprietors, who have ownership in a pharmacy which provides compounding services, and all non-owner pharmacists working in store.
PCCA will be running a one-day interactive compounding training to help you understand your obligations, and get ready for your inspector’s visit.
Topics will include:
- How to use The Pharmacy Council of NSW Compounding Checklist in your pharmacy
- Pharmacy Board Guidelines and Professional Practice Standards
- Risk Assessment — conducting a risk assessment, considerations and tools
- Integrated Compounding Software
- Implementing Standard Operating Procedures
- Quality of Raw Materials
- Responsibilities of Proprietor Owners
Who should attend: This one-day workshop is open to all NSW pharmacists and their staff.
You do not need to be a PCCA member.
Please click on your preferred class date to register. |
Tuesday 12 November, 2019 |
Friday 29th November, 2019 |
Any questions call PCCA Customer Service on 02 9316 1500.