GPs claim superbug risk from Queensland pharmacy antibiotics trial

GPs are urging Queensland Health not to go through with a trial of pharmacists dispensing antibiotics without a prescription, saying it will increase the risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs.
Following a state government review of how pharmacies operate, a trial was proposed which would allow pharmacists to give some medicines without a script, including the contraceptive pill and antibiotics for urinary tract infections.
Queensland chair of the RACGP, Dr Bruce Willett, said the evidence was clear that allowing pharmacists leeway in dispensing antibiotics would lead to an increase in antibiotic use.
“We saw with over-the-counter eye antibiotics in Australia as well as the UK. When it became a regular-use item, the usage doubled,” Dr Willett said.
“We would expect that would happen with urinary tract infection medication as well.
“Meanwhile, the reverse happened when codeine was taken off shelves and became prescription only, the usage halved straight away.
“So there seems to be a clear pattern that a chemist-dispensed item will roughly double the usage.”
Complicating matters was the fact that many more serious conditions, especially vaginal conditions and sexually transmitted diseases, can present as a urinary tract infection initially, and those conditions were likely to be missed or misdiagnosed, Dr Willett said.
The rise in the use and misuse of antibiotics has been credited as one of the major factors in the emergence of drug-resistant bacteria, with the World Health Organisation labelling the issue “one of the greatest threats to global health, food security, and development today”.
In the original submissions to the parliamentary committee, the Pharmacy Guild of Australia claimed doctors were opposing greater powers for pharmacists because of a “turf war” over prescriptions and the money they generate.
In particular the Guild accused GPs of being worried about losing money because a category of patient no longer had to visit them for a prescription, which generates a consult fee.
Dr Willett said money was not an issue for most GPs compared with the medical risk of superbugs.
“There is absolutely no benefit to me, as a GP, giving a prescription to you, whereas the pharmacist secures a sale,” he said.
Dr Chris Freeman, national president of the Pharmaceutical Society of Australia, said he was “disappointed” by the stance taken by the RACGP.
“The RACGP should be well aware that Australia’s healthcare system rates poorly on access and equity, an issue Australian pharmacists are all too familiar with, given the rising out-of-pocket costs that are prevalent in accessing general practice and general practitioners,” Dr Freeman said.
“We must also recognise and acknowledge that pharmacists already prescribe medicines. It is neither fair nor professional of the RACGP to dismiss the vital role pharmacists play in our healthcare system.”
Recently, NSW dismissed calls for a similar trial, saying a national approach to the issue was needed.
The RACGP said waiting until the Australia’s Antimicrobial Resistance Strategy 2020 and Beyond report was handed to the federal government was the best way to deal with the issue.
Queensland Health said the state trial had not yet begun but was being established as part of the response to the pharmacy parliamentary inquiry.
“We will consult with external stakeholders during the development of a statewide trial. This includes examining evidence from similar trials and models overseas to determine what will work best in Queensland,” a spokesperson said in a statement.
“It is very early in the process and all factors relevant to the trial, including guidelines, are being considered.”