Guild Podcast Ep. 13: Developing leaders in community pharmacy

The pace of change in health care is rapid, but perhaps no sector is experiencing evolution as quickly as the field of community pharmacy.
Community pharmacists are integral members of a patient’s healthcare team, focused on ensuring individualised health outcomes for patients through a combination of medicines supply, management, safety, support and advice, working in collaboration with other health professionals.
Early career pharmacists play and integral role in the future direction of community pharmacy and today we speak to two young leaders of the industry about their experiences and aspirations for the future
The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is dedicated to supporting new and emerging pharmacy owners and developing new leaders in community pharmacy.
The Guild aims to equip early career pharmacists with the pathways, skills, tools and professional networks needed to be leaders in the primary health care system and owners of community pharmacies.
The Guild Early Career Pharmacists Resource Hub on the Guild website provides valuable information and resources relevant to you and your stage of career such as; the Guild Mentor Platform platform, Guild ITP, the National Student Business Plan Competition, podcasts, GuildEd and news and events. For more information go to
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