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Scholarships help Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pharmacy students

The Pharmacy Guild of Australia is pleased to announce the recipients of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme (ATSIPSS).

This year three students have been awarded the prestigious scholarship and will receive funding assistance during their time at university. Congratulations to Kirralee Natty (University of New England), Teneal Hutchin (University of Queensland) and Lillian Emery (Queensland University of Technology).

Scholarship holders receive $15,000 each year, for up to four years of study, to help cover the costs associated with study.

National President of the Pharmacy Guild of Australia George Tambassis said scholarship holders received financial and mentoring support to ensure they got the most out of their university studies.

“The mentoring program not only helps the students to develop a learning plan, but it provides support to students outside of the university environment,” he said.

“It’s an important tool for supporting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to undertake studies in pharmacy at university.”

The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Pharmacy Scholarship Scheme provides incentives for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to undertake training in pharmacy and is funded under the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement.

The scholarship was established in recognition of the key role pharmacists play in providing improved, culturally appropriate pharmacy services to better meet the needs of their local Indigenous communities and patients, as well as maintaining the health of all Australians.

This project is funded by the Australian Government Department of Health as part of the Sixth Community Pharmacy Agreement.

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